
体验赌博正规的十大网站: Fall 访问 Scholarship Program



在周末, 你将通过老虎的眼睛看到校园——通过街区计划学习, discovering community and campus life, 进行诚实的对话,建立一个有责任心的学生群体. 你会遇到来自全国各地的其他潜在学生,并在大学搜索过程中撰写自己的故事.

In order to complete your application, submit:

  1. 体验赌博正规的十大网站 (ECC) Application
  2. An unofficial transcript - submitted by you or your high school counselor.
  3. (Optional) Short evaluation form from your high school counselor. 

如果被ECC接受, you'll receive information regarding registration, 航班信息, 住宿, and ground transportation reimbursements (if you're driving). 的 travel grant covers flights and 住宿 for you, the student. 父母 and guests are welcome to attend, 然而, they will be responsible for their own travel costs. 你的大学顾问或支持你找大学的成年人可以代替父母/监护人参加.


Program dates: 2023年10月7日至9日
Application deadline: September 1, 2023
Begin to release decisions: mid-August 2023 (on a rolling basis)


体验赌博正规的十大网站 is open to 高三学生 (2024届)和 间隔年学生 居住在美国. To apply for this program, you must meet at least 一个 下列标准之一:

  • 自我认同为一个历史上被边缘化和代表性不足的背景的学生
  • 有资格获得佩尔助学金
  • 有资格享受免费/减价午餐
  • DACA or undocumented student completing secondary (high) school in the U.S. 
  • 第一代大学生(父母均未获得学士学位)

*国际学生(包括目前居住在美国的学生)不符合ECC的资格. For more information about international students, please refer to our application information for international students.

What else does ECC Have to Offer?

During our program, you'll have the opportunity to

  • Experience our innovative Block Plan
  • Tour campus and beautiful Colorado Springs
  • Chat 1:1 with senior admission ambassadors (current students)
  • Connect with our incredible CC faculty and staff
  • 了解经济援助
  • Get tips from admission staff on crafting your application
  • 参与亲密对话,探索CC的多样性、公平性和包容性

查看去年的ECC时间表 to get a sense of what the program is like. 

资源 & 提示

Travel 提示 for First-Time Flyers


任何第一次乘飞机的人应该采取的第一步是在起飞前了解机场的程序, including acceptable forms of identification. All travelers (18+) flying on a domestic flight must present a 照片的身份证 issued at the state or federal levels, such as a state driver's license that meets Real ID requirements, 军事ID, 还是U ?.S. 护照. If you are under 18, please make sure to have a 照片的身份证 (i.e. school ID) available at check-in. 


Many airlines offer online check-in 为了他们的飞行. 这让你可以在家里通过航空公司的网站或移动应用程序办理登机手续并打印登机牌. 如果你已经在网上登记了, you can skip the check-in queues and go straight to airport security, 节省大量时间. 然而,值得注意的是,并非所有的航空公司都允许你在网上办理登机手续. 如果你需要的话 特别的帮助, you'll have to check in at the airport.


Please comply with all rules and health regulations at the airport. If an airport or airline does not require you to wear a mask, 无论如何,请考虑戴上它,以保证您和CC社区在访问期间的安全. 


Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to go through airport procedures. 如果你必须在机场办理登机手续或托运行李,这一点尤为重要. 机场是不可预测的. 你永远不知道会有多忙,或者需要多长时间才能通过安检. 如果你在机场办理登机手续,或者有行李要办理登机手续,你不想太早到! Check-in counters will usually open 2-4 hours before your flight, depending on the airline and the destinations you're to.

Make your baggage easily identifiable

Wrap a colored ribbon or belt around your baggage. 在行李提取处, 而不是把一件又一件的行李从传送带上拉出来检查是不是你的, 您将能够快速轻松地识别您的行李,节省大量的时间和麻烦. Do the same with your backpacks or smaller luggage.


如果你不适应高海拔和低舱内湿度,可能会导致头痛和头晕. 最好的办法就是多喝水,保持体内水分充足. 科罗拉多斯普林斯海拔6000英尺,所以在到达之前保持水分是明智的. 

Health 提示 for Traveling to Colorado and for High Elevation

    • 多喝水
      • Not only while you're here, but also the days leading up to your arrival
    • 为各种天气做好准备
      • 虽然我们每年有300多天的阳光,但天气随时都可能变化. 做好准备! 带层.
    • 放轻松
      • Try not to engage in exercise initially while you are here, giving your body adequate time to adjust to the higher elevation.
    • 注意饮食
      • 含有大量钾的食物和限制盐的摄入量是预防高原反应的好方法. Electrolytes are imperative to refuel your body!
    • 打包什么
      • Refillable water bottle (must be empty if a carry-on bag)
      • 润唇膏
      • 舒适的鞋子
      • Plenty of layers (in case of snow, or cool weather)
      • Travel pillow (for flight, hotel use)
      • 太阳镜和帽子
      • 手机/相机


财务处(student账户 在CC) is responsible for collecting and analyzing all student charges and fees, which include tuition and student unions, 还有健康和牙科保险

CSS配置文件, short for the College Scholarship Service, 是否通过在线申请来确定是否有资格获得非联邦财政援助. 不是每所大学都有要求,但有近400所大学有,所以一定要先检查一下 学校名单 to determine whether your child needs to complete the application. 很重要的一点是,学校是否要求父母离异的学生填写额外的材料 无监护权概要.

入学保证金 你是否已经向你计划就读的学校交了保证金,并保证你在未来一年的课程中有一席之地. It is often deducted from tuition or room & 该大学董事会.

从实践经验中学习 是一个通过经历来教育的过程,然后是对经历的反思吗. 的re are four elements involved in experiential learning. First, the learner must be willing to be actively involved in the experience. Second, the learner must be able to reflect on the experience. 第三,学习者必须具备并运用分析技能将经验概念化. 最后, 学习者必须具备决策和解决问题的能力,以便运用从经验中获得的新思想.

FAFSA 是由现在和未来的美国本科学生填写的表格,以确定他们是否有资格获得学生经济援助. 学生 are required to submit demographic and family financial information, such as a family's federal income tax returns, 银行对账单, 报税表形式, and information on a family's investment.

第一代学生 is a student who will be the first in their family, 不包括兄弟姐妹, to obtain a bachelor's degree at a post-secondary institution, 比如学院或大学, 在美国.

金融援助 includes funds from the government, 私人组织, and/or an educational institution to help students pay for their education. 有各种各样的经济援助,包括助学金、勤工俭学、贷款和奖学金. 利用 CC财政援助词汇表 to select your decision plan and learn about what forms you'll need to apply.

跨学科教学 是一种教育教学方法,让学生从各种不同的观点学习一个单一的主题或问题. 例如, 如果一个学生正在以跨学科的方式学习美国的旅游业, 他们可能会在经济学课上了解旅游业产生的收入, the most popular tourist sites in a geography class, 历史课上的历史旅游趋势和市场营销课上旅行社的有效广告策略.

食宿 is defined as on-campus college housing that is accompanied by a meal plan. 这是一个方便的安排,让学生住在校园里很容易, 以负责任的方式获取食物. Some colleges require incoming freshmen to sign up for room & board for their first year or two of college, 但这通常是任何学生在四年中都可以选择的.

补贴贷款 are loans for undergraduate students with financial needs, 由你的就读费用减去预期的家庭贡献和其他经济援助(如助学金或奖学金)决定. 补贴贷款不产生利息,当你在学校至少一半或延期期间.

A 教学大纲 is a written set of expectations for a course. It usually includes course policies, 规章制度, 必读和可选文本, 以及评估分项.

学费 is the associated charges or fees for learning at a college or university. 学费通常适用于一个学年的课程——通常从9月到4月.

未受资助的贷款 本科生和研究生的贷款都不是基于经济需要吗. 资格取决于你的入学费用减去其他经济援助(如助学金或奖学金)。. Interest is charged during in-school, deferment, and grace periods.

勤工助学 是否有联邦计划为有经济需要的本科生和研究生提供兼职工作, allowing them to earn m一个y to help pay education expenses. 资格 for work-study comes from filling out the FAFSA.

QuestBridge 是一个全国性的非营利组织,联系着全国最杰出的人吗, 低资源高中学生进入美国顶尖大学就读. 

报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/07/2023