计费 & 夏季的财务状况

了解夏季街区是如何融资的, 收费是多少?, and what financial aid is available to make a CC-led summer block away an option for all students.  赌博正规的十大网站努力让学生有机会进入, 股本, 包容是我们全球教育项目的标志. 

CC夏季街区计划的费用包含 两个元素、项目费用和学费;

项目费用此费用包括课程的旅行相关费用,如住宿费, 餐, 远足, 报名费, 当地的交通, 等. 大多数不包括机票. It is your responsibility to understand what is included in the program fee and what is not covered.

学费: 标准CC暑期班学费 每一块.  许多学生使用“外卡”(下文)来支付这笔费用.

不确定因素:  CC的每个学生都可以免费参加一个CC暑期课程.  The Wild Card is essentially a waiver of the tuition charge and is automatically applied to a student's first summer course at CC.  学生不需要申请外卡. It is automatically applied for their first summer course, on campus or through study away with CC. 有关通配符和资格的详细信息,请参见 暑期课程网站.  The Wild Card cannot be used to cover the cost of tuition billed for a late withdrawal from a summer block as outlined below.

项目费用s and summer tuition normally appear on a student's CC account in early May, 夏季课程开始前一个街区.  


学生 should send an email to both the faculty leader and to either the Off-Campus 项目 Coordinator or the Director of 全球教育.  



退出日期是这封邮件发送给全球教育的日期, so failing to notify 全球教育 of your intent to withdraw can lead to a delay in your withdrawal becoming official, 而且可能会有更大的不可退还的项目费用. 
撤军 charges for Summer Blocks are defined by the withdrawal date as it relates to this deadline as well as the program departure date.  


The billed charges for a Summer Block Away are impacted significantly by the date of withdrawal from the off-campus block. 

- 2月15日之前的退学将不收取学费或项目费用.
--Post-deadline withdrawal prior to Block 8 (May) will incur charges ranging from $100 to 100% of the program fee.
--The minimum program fee charge for a withdrawal during or after Block 8 increases to 25% of the program fee.
——和所有的暑期课程一样, 在第一天上课后的21天内退课也要收取30%的学费.

The total amount of the program charge to be billed will be determined by the course faculty and 全球教育 and will consider both nonrefundable expenses paid by the college on your behalf and costs shared by all participating students to support the structural costs of the program. 

撤军 & 金融援助:

经济援助奖, 包括暑期学费外卡, 不能用于支付提款费用. 


学生 may have a portion of billed charges waived with appropriate documentation that the withdrawal was attributable to medical necessity.  科罗拉多大学 cannot guarantee a 100% reimbursement or cancellation of charges even with medical withdrawals, but efforts will be made to maximize the refundable portion of the program fee and waive tuition fees if it can be demonstrated that the withdrawal was medical in nature. 

No.  而赌博正规的十大网站过去要求所有的街区项目都要交押金, this practice has been discontinued in efforts to build greater 股本 between students with higher and lower financial need.  学院现在使用项目费用协议,其中概述了项目费用, 退出期限和其他与项目费用相关的政策.  当学生在峰会上获得课程教师的批准时,他们会收到此表格.  The student's signature on this document is required to confirm their participation in a block away program. 

暑期助学金适用于CC校外/海外暑期项目, 但资金池有限, 学生们要注意申请流程和截止日期,这一点至关重要.

应用: 一旦你选择了一个程序, apply on the Summit online platform (全球教育 portal) by the end of January to be considered for both program approval and a potential financial aid award to help reduce the cost of travel. When you complete the Summit application for the CC Summer Program you are interested in, you are then automatically also reviewed for financial aid eligibility - there is no separate application for summer aid for Blocks Away. Awards can cover up to 90% of the course's program fee as well as the anticipated cost of airfare to get you there. 

奖资格:  援助 is available to all 科罗拉多大学 students who have completed their first semester of study and who are currently on need-based financial aid at the College (FAFSA for U.S. 学生和CSS档案(国际学生). If you have previously received a financial aid award for a CC Summer Away Block you are not eligible to receive aid again for summer study. 请注意,AY援助奖与CC夏季街区援助奖是分开的, 所以如果你以前获得过学年隔离奖, 你可以在暑假期间申请一个奖项. Each CC student is eligible for one summer award and one AY award during their degree program.

选择奖 & 成分: 奖项在每个申请窗口结束时颁发.  有几个因素被用来决定是否给予援助. 这些都是:

  • 资格:  Student receives need-based aid and has not received a Summer Block Away 援助 Award in the past.
  • 项目状态:  助学金在项目名单选定后颁发.  被批准的学生有资格获得资助. 学生 who are waitlisted for a program are also waitlisted for aid consideration until they are invited to join a program.  然后他们可能会立即获得奖励或, 如果没有援助的话, 被排进了援助候补名单. 
  • 学年成绩:  Preference is given to upper division students as they have fewer future opportunities to join a block away.
  • 需要等级: Preference is given to students with higher financial need designations as defined by the Financial 援助 Office.

因为夏季街区援助资金有限, CC不能保证为任何特定项目的所有学生提供援助.  我们尽量容纳尽可能多的学生, but it is not uncommon for students with low need or who are in the early years of their CC career to be waitlisted for aid due to a large number of rising seniors or juniors eligible for aid awards. 

奖学金数额取决于你的经济需求水平. AY经济援助奖考虑到课程的总费用, 包括项目费用, 估计机票, 以及任何额外的费用,比如所需的签证.  援助 awards are determined based on the program fee plus the estimated cost of round trip airfare to/from the program destination.  所有的援助奖励都支付这个估计总费用的一定百分比, 覆盖率从20%到90%不等. 没有任何奖励能够覆盖100%的预计项目成本. 

奖 & 学生账户: 如果你的学生账户上有未偿还的余额, 在结清余额之前,不会作出任何奖励. Awards are not transferable; if you drop your course you must re-apply for an award for a different course (unless your original course was canceled).

奖分配: 学生 who receive a Summer Block Away award will receive the award as a percentage of the anticipated total cost of the summer course (program fee plus anticipated airfare charge).  如果奖励少于项目费用, 它将在学生的CC账户上作为项目费用的抵消信贷出现.  例如, 学生可能需要支付4美元的课程费用,000美元和3美元的奖金,600, 也就是说还有400美元没付. 

If, 然而, 奖金高于项目费用, 那么信用将导致资金通过CC账户可用.  学生 should request that these funds be paid through direct deposit to reimburse a portion of the airfare purchased for the block away.  这些援助存款通常在夏季会议开始时出现.  如果学生希望提前收到任何记入的资金, 他们必须向财政援助办公室申请一个月的预支.  援助不能在这一个月之前提供. 

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/26/2023